Start your conveyancing journey

Choose the service you'd like to start

Your property location

Lawlab offers fixed-fee conveyancing Australia-wide

Your contact details

Enter your details so we can contact you

Almost there

Please review your details. If they're all good, click Submit to finish.

Sorry, we can't proceed to the next step. {{errorMsg}}

Review details and

You'd like to start our {{serviceName}} service for the property at {{getAddress()}}.

Your name is {{contact.firstname}} {{contact.surname}}.

Your email is {{}}. Your phone number is {{}}. The best time to contact you is {{contact.best_time_to_call}}.

Your submission succeeded.

Thanks for sending us your details.

What happens next?
  • Our legal support team will contact you within 2 business hours or at your preferred contact time.

  • You'll receive a confirmation email at {{}}, including an invitation to join your secure file on Rundl.

    Rundl is an online platform that we use to help guide you through the conveyancing journey, share documents, keep track of the progress of your transaction and collaborate with other service professionals, e.g. your agent or broker.

  • You can also call us on 1800 529 522 during business hours.

Submission failed with an error

There was a problem sending your details. It might be a temporary issue, so please try again. If the problem persists, please email us here.

We apologise for the inconvenience.