Moving day tips, property law changes, helpful advice...

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Dual key properties

Investors are jumping on the dual key bandwagon because the yields can be very attractive. But what are the legal risks and how can these be managed?

Firm slams new 'archaic' law

A new law is set to impact property lawyers and significantly hinder the profession’s movement towards paperless, digital transactions, according to a boutique firm.

The winners and losers of strata changes

Strata laws in NSW will soon experience a significant shake-up with over 90 proposed changes to the current legislation set to take effect from November 30 2016. These changes will have the greatest impact on individual owners of strata properties by reducing restrictions on the use of their property and providing greater control in the decision making of the building.

Before you buy

Before you buy a property you need to ask yourself two key questions, how will you buy the property and what exactly are you buying? Getting answers to these two questions can make all the difference in a property investment.